- So you lost all your money? That'll teach you (to gamble). 这麽说; 你把钱都输光了? 这就是(赌博)给你的教训.
- So you lost all your money? That'll teachyou (to gamble). 这麽说,你把钱都输光了?这就是(赌博)给你的教训。
- Lost all your money?That'll teach you to gamble. 你把钱都输光了?这是赌博给你的教训。
- You have to live with the fact that you have lost all your money . 你不得不接受你丢了所有的钱这个事实。
- You have to live with the fact that you've lost all your money. 你不得不接受你丢了所有的钱这个事实。
- You're lost all your money,you must learn to live with the situation. 你已把所有的钱都丢失了,现在你必须去适应这种形势。
- Each time you change course, you lose all your start-up energy. 每一次你改变方向,那些前期工作都白费了。
- When a finishing move fails, now you lose all your combo points. 当你的终结技没成功的时侯;你会丢掉所有连击点.
- You must have done something wrong. Sounds like you lose all your credibility. 你一定干什么错事了,好像你信誉全没了。
- If you are an investor, your money is in places you can't control, so you should inventory all your assets (equity, debt, and fixed tangible). 如果你是个投资商,钱放在你无法支配的地方,那么你应该盘清所有资产(股本、债务和有形固定资产)。
- If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money. 如果你让一滴血流下来,你就会失去你的全部土地和金钱。
- Joan: So you have lost all of your contacts? 琼:这么说你丢掉了所有的联系方式?
- Firstly because of equipment failure ? back-up systems and contingency planning in case you lose all your data ? 首先是因为设备故障,你需要一个备份系统和突发事件处理计划,以防丢失全部数据,
- Joan: So you HAs lost all of your contacts? 琼:这么说你丢掉了所有的联系办法?
- You must have done something really bad. Sounds like you lose all your credibility. 你一定干了什么坏事,好像你信誉全没了。
- "I feel sorry for you,"said the Olive tree,"Every year you lose all your leaves and have to shiver through the winter with bare branches. “你真可怜,”橄榄树说,“每年冬天,你的叶子都会掉光,只剩下光秃秃的树枝,在寒冬中瑟瑟发抖。
- You shouldn't chance all your money at once. 你不应当拿所有的钱一起去冒险。
- You should not chance all your money at once . 你不应该一下子把所有的钱都拿来冒险。
- If you lose braveness, you lose all. 如果你失去了勇敢,你就把一切都失掉了。
- Mina:Honestly I think you should keep all the receipts so you know where you spent your money. 老实说,你真应该要把那些收据都留著啦。这样你就知道你钱花去哪了啊。